Artificial Grass Joining Tape and Adhesive

Artificial Grass Joining Tape and Adhesive

If you are laying artificial grass in your own backyard or business you may be a little confused about how to join the artificial grass together. This can be done one of two ways, with either joining tape or adhesive. How to use joining tape Roll your tape out along...
Preparing and Caring for Artificial Grass

Preparing and Caring for Artificial Grass

Preparing the yard Preparing your yard before installing an artificial lawn is critical to the function and aesthetic you expect from it and trying to fix the issues after laying the grass is much more difficult. Preparing the ground for artificial grass The first...
Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The questions we get asked the most about fake grass. What are the benefits of artificial grass? Artificial grass is great for a number of reasons. Here are the main ones:  Doesn’t need fertiliser Doesn’t need to be watered or mowed It looks great Long term you’ll...
Best Artificial Grass For Your Backyard

Best Artificial Grass For Your Backyard

So you want to get an artificial lawn installed in your backyard but you’re not sure which grass products will be best for your yard? Not to worry, we have you covered. No matter what your needs are, we have the right quality products for you. At AGO, we understand...
Laying Artificial Grass Tips and Tricks

Laying Artificial Grass Tips and Tricks

When installing artificial grass, it’s best to utilise a professional or an organisation that specialises in the installation of the synthetic turf that will supply a satisfying and high quality finished product. This article is not a guide but includes some helpful...

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